sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Dean X Sam

So... I've just watched the third episode of supernatural... I have two things to say about this season so far:

2) how depressing... :'(

Yes! This season is being amazing! I've liked all the episodes... BUT they are all very very sad!!!
First of all, the apocalypse is here!
Sam is feeling crappier than ever...
War came up and showed the darkest side of the human being...
And seeing as Dean is Michael vessel and Sam Lucifer one... in the end all I can think of is a very sad ending with Dean/Michael killing Sam/Lucifer and then dying himself....

Sad, very very sad...

But as a true fan, I will stick until the end of times ;-)

until the next post ;-)


PS.: Dean & Sam are great, but who is giving a show right now is Cas!!!
The guy/angel is AMAZING!

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009


Can't wait for the second season to start!
I loved the first season! And today I just saw the 13th episode, which only came up on dvd...

IT WAS A E W S O M E!!!!

I was amazed!
They did a pretty good job with the possibility of a cancelation!
(which was pretty good, since with firefly was everything so f*cked up once it got cancelled... and neither the movie was able to settle! tsc tsc tsc... sad)

keep tuned for more ;-)

Dexter - he is back!

I feel kind of odd that I like this series so much...
But, I guess I am not the only one... otherwise this series wouldn't be in its 4th season ;-)

Well, I've just watched the first episode of the 4th season, and I am not disappointed!
It promises quite a lot! I am eager for more...

I am not going to make much comments in it, I think is way too soon for it...
BUT, this first season did bring up a question I am struggling to make it shut: how was he able to keep up until now without being found???
And... how long more will he be able to keep up? Cause... well, he IS getting more and more slacker!

tune in for more,

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009

Sympathy for the Devil

We are a few weeks from the come back!
Yeah! In september all my favorites series will start over again! :-D
And this means: More Supernatural!

The title of this post is the supposed title for the first episode of the fifth season!
I like it! And will like even more if they use this song for the ep!
More and more reasons to keep following!

Well... I did see the end of the last season before I went on vacation! :-D
Just didn't have time to come here and comment... but people: A W E S O M E!!!

Supernatural wasn't always my baby... and I only started following by the end of the first season... but since then, I became highly addicted!!! I love the series, I love the soundtrack, and am like insane looking forward for the comic books and John's journal!!! yep! Addicted!!!
But come on!!! This series deserves!!!
Now, with the end of the forth season they were able to explain E V E R Y T H I N G!!! all of it! Not just some bits... no! ALL OF IT!!!

Which other series did that??? NONE!!!

I love supernatural!!! (just hope they keep up in this 5th one... cause with Lucifer up, I really have no idea how are they going to do...)

Anyway... changing a bit the subject, but not too much, let's talk about Lost!
I finally saw the end of the last season, and have to say... it was able to conquer my love back!
This season was a bit annoying with all this travel back in time and so on (series usually get lost in there, this only works for terminator, the movie, because is done and gone... but in series... is always there... ahhhhh :-O do you get it? anyway...)
Lost got my passion back! With this other guy coming just to kill Jacob!!! With Lock (finally, really) dead!
Wow!!! I can't wait to see the next season (which I hope is the last one... there is just too much my heart - and head - can take it ;-) )

Ok... got go!

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2009

End of seasons...

That's long since I've last wrote here!!! And guess what I still miss the Winchester brothers!!!
Well well... the season ended and I still don't know how!!! I am so curious!!! Think I will kill this curiosity this weekend ;-) and then suffer waiting for the 5th season, which I heard is coming out!!! :-D uhuuuuuu!!!

In meanwhile I was able to see the last episodes of "The Mentalist", "Criminal Minds", "The Big Bang Theory", "Grey's Anatomy" and "Dollhouse"
Have to say, all AMAZING!!!

1) The Mentalist, I've started watching and just kept because it is kind of funny... but don't think is an amazing series... still, the last ep about Red John let me waiting for the next season! Just too bed they don't really have loads of eps about the main story...

2) Criminal Minds! I love this series!!! It never lest me down! But it keeps always on my feet, worrying "sick" about the BU crew!!! And now it looks like The leader is going to die!!! (I hope not) after a horribly sad ep!
Btw, this is now the only serious criminal series I follow! I've stopped with all CSI (cause is not the same anymore) and Law & Order, cause is just too much violence and crimes... Enough is enough and I made my choice! ;-) (I do miss eventually the L&O sometimes...)

3) The Big Bang Theory...
Nothing like the first season! It was never like that anymore!!! And, I am sorry for Leonard and Penny... it would be funny they get together, but I am not there for them, I am for the geek jokes ;-) and for this, I have to say, Sheldon is getting better and better!!! The "The Classified Materials Turbulence" was hilarious!!! (but still, not one ep was better than the pilot!!!)
Have said that... awww... it looks like Penny likes Leonard!!! :-) :-P hahahha

4) Grey's Anatomy!
I love this series! I love Mer and Der... but my favorite one is Chris... And I was very happy and see how did they grew!
I am sad that Dr Bailey got a bit forgotten... but is getting back to her feet! (and kicking her stupid husband away)
Amazingly Alex Karev transformed himself... and they found a way of making us to have Izzy staying in the series!!!
I was crying like crazy with her whole story!!!
But the worst was George!!! When Mer finds he is the John Doe I though I was really shocked!!!
Does anyone knows what is going to happen with them?

5) And last but not least at all!!! My favorite one, behind Supernatural (and chasing Lost) is DOLLHOUSE!!! :-D
It started pretty cool for me! It had some eps so so... but from 6th ep on was just better and better resulting in a two last eps AMAZING!!!
The Alpha personage is AWESOME!!! And they explained things and opened new questions and I am HAPPY it is coming out a second season!!!
Joss Wheadon is the king!!!

;-) see you at fall, I guess... or soon, after I find out about Supernatural

see ya!

sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2009

I miss the Winchester brothers!

This is VERY unfair!!!

I had to start way too long for the 4th season to start up again... then it did had a break after its 10th episode and now another one after the 14th!!!???

Come on!!! There is so much my heart can take it!
This is season is amazing and I want to know how it ends!!! (and if it is going to have a 5th or stops it here... if so... better run to get the comic books and the Winchester pocket diary - no kidding!!!)

Come on!


I've just finished with the third season...
I did like it... (just feel very very sorry for Maria who lost a friend in the second season and one now in the third one...)

Now, the question which doesn't shut up: Is it going to have a forth season? and When does it start?

sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

what goes up and what goes down!

*The Mentalist!
I can't decide if I like it enough or not... I think not enough to follow without a miss... but enough to keep an eye on it...
I think it could be much better, but still have its funny times...

I've just finished watching the first and second seasons and I loved it!!!!
Really! Don't know how to explain it! BUT I did like more the first season, with all his awkwardness... still, the second season wasn't bad! (but I felt for the guy who died in the end...) but I still think it was a good season...
But I've just started the third season... and I am not sure what I think of it... the pregnancy plot could be funny... but I hope it will grow as a plot, cause the main murder plot it is just too sloppy for my taste... up to now, all I can say is: it could have started better

I've heard people were disappointed with it... but are still watching it cause it is a Joss Whedon show...
I confess that I kind of liked! Well, I only watched the first episode, but I did enjoyed! I won't say it is a Buffy or Angel (but, between us, I also didn't like Buffy at the beginning, neither Angel... and still I am a true fan!) so... this one is coming up!!!
Can't wait to see the next eps...

*Grey's Anatomy (again...)
What is it with it?????
Please enough with Merredith and McDreamy drama!!! Now even the ex-wifi is back!!!???
This series has too much drama for one couple!!! Please... some happiness pleas!!!!
(well, my last ep was 15... no idea how it did follow after... but I am not too happy... at least Christna is back up! :-D )

stay tuned for more ;-)

quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2009

I gave up of Gossip Girl

As much I have to admit that I will miss the outfits, my brain CAN'T take it anymore!!!!
So I gave up on gossip girl!

I am tired of those teens pretend to be adults... or the adults acting like teens... cheating and cheating... plans that never work out!
Pursue for the wrong one!

I closed my gossip girl folder today!

you know I am right

quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009

The Mentalist

When I first started watching this series I was very fond of it... but as episodes goes the series doesn't really evolve too much.
It does look like a derivative of Monk!
The guy has the perception of it... the difference in it is that in Monk, besides the fun it was too watch the phobia-guy solve the crimes, most of the crimes wasn't so obvious the how it happen, even though the reason was always way too clear.
But in the Mentalist, besides the very small fun scenes, it is very clear for ALL of us who is the killer, why and how!
WOW we are all mentalist!

I think the series had a good idea, but it doesn't know how to proceed with it... cause the way it is going, I am getting just boring!

Too bad!
I wanted to like it...

domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009

Grey's Anatomy

I love this series!
It can be funny, serious... some drama, it can be very sad. It's really well done! (even though it makes you scare to end up in a student hospital! talking about uneven people...)

But I liked this series much more in the beginning...

I miss Dr Burke! He was the guy! And the series lost a lot letting him go! And for what? Because of the actor from George??? This one could have gone! He was always a looser! In the beginning a nice looser... now just an annoying looser!
He was able to screw his marriage, he is not the best friend anymore, and PLEASE all girls love George??? :-O IMPOSSIBLE!

Izzy is other that could go! I kind of liked her... until the super-George story came in! From then on is just a bad case after a bad case and now she is all crazy with dead Denny!
Talking about dead Denny, I do like that guy! But it would be much better have him on supernatural, like a ghost or whatever than in Grey's! 
The first time he appeared was funny and so on... but now is just annoying!

My best personage is Christina Yang!
I hope they will fix her up soon enough!
She is the strongest one there! But her personage suffered quite a lot with Burk gone and they still didn't put her back in the track... and now the poor thing has a weird fling and a fight with the crazy Grey friend!

No... don't get me wrong! I do like Grey too! As damaged as she is! But in this fight, Christina is right!
I won't talk about her now... she is her and she is the seires, not much more to say than, she is complex!

And Karev I like him too... He was always the jerk... and he never tried to hide from anyone... but he is growing up... and is real... as real as it can be... and touching... very consistent personage!

Dr Miranda was the best in the beginning too! Now is kind of lost! sad sad sad...

The Chief... always hight and down... didn't change much...

Mc Dreamy is also a constant one... didn't change and that's great!

And McSteamy + Dr Torrez! What to say? What a "couple"!
Its always fun!

Well... let's hope Christina gets back on track soon as also the whole story!


stay tuned for more ;-)

segunda-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2009

Men in trees

I remembered that at some point I've watched this series...
I followed the whole first season... even though when Jack decided to come back to his pregnant-of-other-ex I almost gave up... I gave a second chance!

And then I came until the next season... when they took away the memory of that stupid annoying guy who was going to get married... then... from stupid he became a jerk!

After that... sighs... I gave up!
I though when he came back... but really! Everyone is better without him! Even more the series :P

Anyway.... I liked quite a lot... had some nice insight and coaching and it was in Alaska... (between us, I liked there... except it is f*cking cold, it is a cute place.) and some funny coaching.
With time it became a small town gossip series with bad coaching!!! 

I so much gave up that I didn't even remembered it... and I even forgot the name of everyone... except Anne and Jack... even though my favorite people were the NY girl and the plow guy... oh... I remember chief Celia... that's it... not even the name of the main character, the coach I remember...

Wow... I might really be over it! ;-) :P

And you?
Do you watch it?
Like it?
What's new? should I give a third chance?


sábado, 10 de janeiro de 2009

Me and the series...

I like to watch TV!
I've always did... I don't care what people think... at least I have a good taste in what I watch :P (don't we all)
Sure I like to read too... but sometimes you just wanna to relax and watch... not read more...

Series I've followed and still do:

*Buffy, the vampire slayer
I think it was the first series I really followed... and got me addicted to it!!!
When I was younger I used to watch soap-operas (I am brazilian and they are a big thing there...) but with time I grew bored... and they all looked the same to me... nha... then there was a channel showing up "My so called life" which I liked quite a lot! but I didn't really followed and at some point the show vanished from TV.
Then I me Buffy!!! At first, as it will sound weird for the ones who know me, I didn't like it... but with time I passed to love it!!!! I still do! So much I am watching it again! I have the sixth, the seventh and the 4th season!
Stick with me and I will talk more about ;-)

Why? no surprise in there ah? ;-) If I liked Buffy I would pretty much like Angel... and I did... even more when Spike came along ;-) hahaha

It looked more grown-up than Buffy... but still in the mystic side! I like this kind of movies and so why not TV shows? ;-)

I've first started watching as a tip from a friend... and it was pretty funny... I ended up a fan and followed until the end... :-( I miss it!

*Dawnson's Creek
I would like to say I didn't... but I did...
Well... i didn't really followed, but I knew too much! And I watched the last ep! Anyway... pretty good sound track ;-)

Once Buffy, Angel and Charmed were done... I thought that was it... BUT

I still follow!!! And am like crazing waiting to start over again!!! :-O
Again... in the beginning... not that fan... in fact, my parents got me addicted to it... and now! WOW... I am all over demons and angels!!!
The series is pretty well done... with a flowing of events that sometimes is hard to find.

*Grey's Anatomy
I don't really remember when and how I did start watching... but I love it... more because of Christina than Meredith... but still... the series is whole well done!
I will talk more about it later ;-)

*Gossip Girl
This is the only teen series I follow! I promise!
I did try to follow "One Tree Hill" but never managed... and so I gave up!
I NEVER even looked at the new "90201"... the original one was already bad enough!
And I never liked "The OC"
But come on! rich teens in NY!!! faaaaaashhiiiionnnnn!!!!
I love it!!! I dont deny!!!! :P
I will talk more about it later... but just so you to know... the only real constant people in that series are Blair and Chuck!
Nate, Serena and the poor ones... tsc tsc tsc... shame on them!

*Law & Order
I have to say I like all!!! but I only follow SVU! Not that there is a history to really follow, they are good to keep it just professional... but there is... and is very well done!

I only really likes the original one... and I am sorry but without Grisson I refuse to watch it!

*Criminal Minds
It makes me sick, lots of times... just like SVU... but is so well done! I like copy series quite a lot! And in fact... books too (but more if that later ;-))!

*Cold Case
I used to watch "Close to home" until it got bad and was cancelled... and "Without a Track" until it changed the time on TV and I couldn't catch anymore...
Again... my parents! They've watched Cold Case and liked... and it has great sound track... now I do too! ;-)

*The Mentalist
This I've just started watching... and can stop it!
Pretty good!!!

I think this is all!!!
Oh no!!!!

I've got lost for lost the minute I started... after my boyfriend spent hours talking about it!!!
I cant wait till start again!!!

A friend from work told me I should try... that she liked quite a lot!
I liked the first season... a lot... I even liked the second one... even with the strike... but the third one!!! :-( oh oh oh!!! tsc tsc tsc

Now... this is the end... some that I like but never followed and still dont!
"Ghost Whisper" - great first season... then went down hill
"Medium" I like it! A lot! But don't follow dont know why
"Monk" was very funny in the beginning... but now is getting a bit repetitive...
"4400" The Universal Channel messed it all up! :@ so I couldn't follow
"Surface" Got cancelled!!! Horrible ending
"Scrubs" Great in the beginning... now is kind of boring!

To really be done... I remembered:
*Sex and the city! Don't need to comment ah ;-)
*Smallvile... yeah... shame on me... but it has some niiiiice eps... but at some point... I just coudn't follow anymore! nha... what can I say!?

Well... that's all for now... if I remember more I will come up with more ;-)

So... stay tuned and I will come with updates on the series and my thoughts about it ;-)
