Yeah! In september all my favorites series will start over again! :-D
And this means: More Supernatural!
The title of this post is the supposed title for the first episode of the fifth season!
I like it! And will like even more if they use this song for the ep!
More and more reasons to keep following!
Well... I did see the end of the last season before I went on vacation! :-D
Just didn't have time to come here and comment... but people: A W E S O M E!!!
Supernatural wasn't always my baby... and I only started following by the end of the first season... but since then, I became highly addicted!!! I love the series, I love the soundtrack, and am like insane looking forward for the comic books and John's journal!!! yep! Addicted!!!
But come on!!! This series deserves!!!
Now, with the end of the forth season they were able to explain E V E R Y T H I N G!!! all of it! Not just some bits... no! ALL OF IT!!!
Which other series did that??? NONE!!!
I love supernatural!!! (just hope they keep up in this 5th one... cause with Lucifer up, I really have no idea how are they going to do...)
Anyway... changing a bit the subject, but not too much, let's talk about Lost!
I finally saw the end of the last season, and have to say... it was able to conquer my love back!
This season was a bit annoying with all this travel back in time and so on (series usually get lost in there, this only works for terminator, the movie, because is done and gone... but in series... is always there... ahhhhh :-O do you get it? anyway...)
Lost got my passion back! With this other guy coming just to kill Jacob!!! With Lock (finally, really) dead!
Wow!!! I can't wait to see the next season (which I hope is the last one... there is just too much my heart - and head - can take it ;-) )
Ok... got go!
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