sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Dean X Sam

So... I've just watched the third episode of supernatural... I have two things to say about this season so far:

2) how depressing... :'(

Yes! This season is being amazing! I've liked all the episodes... BUT they are all very very sad!!!
First of all, the apocalypse is here!
Sam is feeling crappier than ever...
War came up and showed the darkest side of the human being...
And seeing as Dean is Michael vessel and Sam Lucifer one... in the end all I can think of is a very sad ending with Dean/Michael killing Sam/Lucifer and then dying himself....

Sad, very very sad...

But as a true fan, I will stick until the end of times ;-)

until the next post ;-)


PS.: Dean & Sam are great, but who is giving a show right now is Cas!!!
The guy/angel is AMAZING!

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009


Can't wait for the second season to start!
I loved the first season! And today I just saw the 13th episode, which only came up on dvd...

IT WAS A E W S O M E!!!!

I was amazed!
They did a pretty good job with the possibility of a cancelation!
(which was pretty good, since with firefly was everything so f*cked up once it got cancelled... and neither the movie was able to settle! tsc tsc tsc... sad)

keep tuned for more ;-)

Dexter - he is back!

I feel kind of odd that I like this series so much...
But, I guess I am not the only one... otherwise this series wouldn't be in its 4th season ;-)

Well, I've just watched the first episode of the 4th season, and I am not disappointed!
It promises quite a lot! I am eager for more...

I am not going to make much comments in it, I think is way too soon for it...
BUT, this first season did bring up a question I am struggling to make it shut: how was he able to keep up until now without being found???
And... how long more will he be able to keep up? Cause... well, he IS getting more and more slacker!

tune in for more,